In The Quest of the Holy Grail, a unambiguously pseudoscience tale, the weapon is seen as a fiery ophidian. It is the weapon system of King David, made by the knowledgeable Solomon (Sol Om On) beside a pommel limestone of all the colors of the earth, with two rib hilts, one made from the aquatic vertebrate of the Euphrates and the remaining the diapsid reptile.
It is same to correspond the brand of Arthur, which itself is same to be curved in the Dream of Rhonabwy. When Arthur's blade is raddled it was aforementioned that two blaze of occurrence busted out of the jaw of the two serpents, and so groovy was the arm that it was arduous for everyone to gaze at it. It is obligatory for Arthur to state ownership of the sword, whether it is the steel from the chromatic or Excalibur, as it ensures his conclusion and his beingness. Malory indicates over again the glow of the steel and its burning aspect, writing: "but it was so blinking in his enemies eyes, that it gave featherweight like-minded thirty torches." But the weapon in the limestone does not second drawn out and the Lady of the Lake gives Arthur his Excalibur, and likewise a diapsid reptile scabbard, which ensures that will never die time. Malory states rather simply "for whiles ye have the sheath upon you, ye shall never mislay no blood, be ye ne'er so wound wounded; hence preserve all right the sheath ever next to you." It is individual once Arthur's half female sibling Morgan le Fay steals the sheath and replaces it that Arthur becomes tractable to the deathly blows of Mordred. The quondam prized sword is next returned to the water, the conjugal of the Lady of the Lake - the ophidian fundamental nature.